At Annan we strive to create an inspiring and engaging environment in which everyone can develop as confident, thoughtful learners who are happy, love school and make outstanding progress.
We aim to provide a high-quality education that extends beyond the classroom. Our Froebelian ethos encourages self-activity and independent thinking. Learning is meaningful, challenging and has a purpose. Children strive to do their very best and have a thirst for more. We value Creativity, Risk and Challenge, Respect and Relationships, Community and Wellbeing.
Annan is a family run school where the Proprietors, Mark and Debby Hunter, are involved in every part of school life and the school community. At Annan every child is valued and learning is purposeful and exciting.
Staff care passionately about the children at the school and are highly qualified professionals who love working at Annan. Outdoor Learning and Forest School are a central part of school life for every child.
We do hope you will enjoy exploring our website. Annan is a very special place full of joy and wonder and we look forward to welcoming you when you come to visit.

Debby Hunter Principal | MA | MCCT

“On my tour, the Principal, Debby Hunter, was so passionate and knowledgeable and said exactly what I hoped to hear”