Our School
At Annan we treat children as individuals recognising each child’s unique learning style and interests. Children learn in bright airy classrooms and in the beautiful outdoor space around the school.
The curriculum is inspiring, creative and meaningful and learning is active and purposeful. Children strive to do the very best they can because they are highly motivated and excited by their school experience. Children’s work is of an outstanding standard because it is valued and celebrated.
At Annan children grow into happy, self-confident, respectful and caring young people. Children feel listened to and respected. They can make suggestions and know they will be taken seriously. We have regular opportunities for children to bring up issues as a group and discuss matters which are important to them.
We encourage children to be responsible for their own behaviour, to understand the effects and consequences of their choices and to feel valued, respected and treated fairly. We promote good relationships so that everyone can work together in an environment where all feel happy, safe and secure enabling everyone to learn. Our high expectations of good behaviour lead children towards positive self-esteem and self-discipline.
We maintain mutual respect through listening to children and encouraging children to talk about their feelings both to adults and to each other. In this way most issues are dealt with before they escalate, and children are guided to freedom with responsibility. As teachers we model respectful communication and believe that by using a strong emotional intelligence model we do not need a system of rewards. We help children to develop self-motivation and self-discipline by learning to communicate their needs and feelings appropriately so they are intrinsically motivated and enthusiastic to learn and build a happy community in which to work.

“Pupils demonstrate initiative and independence, encouraged by the school’s commitment to the Froebel philosophy which emphasises the importance of creating a happy environment in which children can grow and learn life skills from real-life experiences.”
News and Events
Creativity... Our imaginations and curiosity have been inspired. We have discovered and explored our ideas in detail, gaining skills and knowledge. Now we are...
Inspecting Funghi
Searching for Funghi and mushrooms at Forest School. The children took out magnifying glasses, and identification guides to see what they could find! At...
Hill Figures
Willow Class (Year 4) have been looking at hill figures in our topic lesson. As well as talking about our (non-Iron Age!) local hill figure (the Long Man of...