Learning Support / SEND

We believe all children have a right of full access to the EYFS and the school’s Primary Curriculum and a right to expect to learn in a caring and considerate environment where the staff and the children are all valued for their contribution to school life.

We are committed to the early identification of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and to working closely with parents who are fully involved in all decisions that affect their children’s education. We provide, within available resources, the highest possible quality support and inclusive education for children with SEND. We have a part-time Learning and Development coordinator (SENDco) who can support teachers or parents who identify difficulties a child may be having and observe and give advice.

We make all reasonable adjustments for pupils who are experiencing difficulties with their learning which might include the provision of differentiated materials and tasks within the classroom, and small group sessions where appropriate. Any child for whom additional support is put in place will have detailed records kept of the support given which is closely monitored and reviewed termly.

The Learning and Development coordinator is available to provide assessments for dyslexia or dyscalculia and provide one-to-one or small group specialist support at an additional cost. Our Learning and Development coordinator also supports parents through the process of assessment of their child and advises class teachers. Some pupils with learning difficulties may be referred by the Learning and Development coordinator (SENDco) for an assessment by a specialist such as Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist or Educational Psychologist.

Speech  and  Language Alex Lazell www.all4communication.co.uk

Occupational Therapist Carla Lauren www.otkin.co.uk

Play therapy  Annabel Pilot   www.playtherapycanhelp.co.uk

Educational Psychologist Sima Patel www.thewellbeingpractice.co.uk

Local Offer https://localoffer.eastsussex.gov.uk/

East Sussex Local Offer https://amazesussex.org.uk/east-sussex/

Gifted pupils, who excel in academic areas of the curriculum, are identified through ongoing assessment and class work and are provided with extension work within lessons.

“Strong commitment and support from the leaders and teachers create an ethos and framework that supports all pupils, including those with SEND.” 

ISI Inspectorate Feb 2020

Where to next?


