Toasting Tuesdays

Toasting Tuesdays

On their weekly Toasting Tuesday Oak Trees (Year 2) cooked apples on the firepit. They were also very busy building on the woodwork bench and even spotted a mouse!...
Battle of the Roses

Battle of the Roses

Oak Trees (Year 2) have delved further into our Tudor topic and have found out about the ‘War of the Roses.’ We re-enacted the Battle of Bosworth field and learnt about Henry Tudor who was the father of Henry VIII. Afterwards we used red and white paint to...
Medieval Gingerbread

Medieval Gingerbread

In cookery Sycamore children enjoyed making some Medieval Gingerbread. They made breadcrumbs and combined them with a honeyand spice mixture. We will be collating all of the recipes we have been using this half term and making our own class Medieval Cook...
Toasting Tuesdays

Toasting Tuesdays

Each Tuesday Oak Trees (Year 2) have ‘Toasting Tuesday’ where they decide on a snack to make and toast or cook on the fire pit in Infant Garden. They have been busy, chopping, mixing and cooking falafel. They enjoyed choosing what to have in a wrap with...