Community Gardening Day On Saturday around a dozen families gathered to get started on a range of projects around the school grounds. The sun shone all morning, and we achieved a huge amount. Many parents had also generously donated plants and seeds and over 20 seed trays were planted up and a herb bed started.
There were lots of small groups of parents working on different projects. We had a group who set up a new composting area in the orchard and another group laid topsoil ready for gardening club to seed next to the pagoda.
Another huge project was started in the kindergarten garden. Two teams of parents and children dug over the muddy areas ready for turfing, whilst the other trundled woodchip up from the drive store to completely resurface the loose parts area and create a path to the woodland and gardening areas.
Lots of tree saplings and bushes were transplanted into their new homes and some new seating was built for the playground.
We were thrilled to get so much done and it really showed that through teamwork so much more can be achieved. The community spirit of the parents, staff and children working together was so uplifting and has given everyone ownership of the garden.
A big, big thank you to everyone who came to help and of course to Helen d’Ascoli (Gardening and Forest School teacher and Jules Haltrecht (Fabian’s mum) for getting the day organised.
Since last Saturday, Roy has laid the turf in the kindergarten garden and put in some logs and sleepers in to create edges. The gardening groups have been bark chipping the quiet garden and seeding the topsoil in the pagoda garden.
It is all now coming together for the arrival of Spring and we will now have so many more beautiful areas to enjoy.