Romans at Annan

Romans at Annan

A highlight of the end of term, was when Willow Class (Year 4) took their Roman shields to the playground, engaging in Roman Army drills and even picking up some Latin along the...
Castle Build Continues

Castle Build Continues

Our Big Build Castle construction in Sycamores (Reception and Year 1) is now nearly complete and the children have been creating some loose part shields as additional features, to enhance their structure. Next term we will be continuing our build project through our...
Winter Festival 2023

Winter Festival 2023

The Winter Festival last weekend was a fantastic and joyous success. A heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to its magic. A special shoutout to Nadine and the Friends Committee for their exceptional efforts in organising the event. Your hard work did not go...
Chapter Published!

Chapter Published!

We are proud to tell you about a brand new handbook to Froebel which was published this week by Bloomsbury. The book was launched on Friday and the teachers watched some of the book launch in their lunch break. It is co-edited by a very good friend of the school, Tina...